You are invited!
We hope you already have Thursday June 8, 6:30-8:00 pm on your calendar to get information from two major Seattle government entities by attending the Lake City Neighborhood Alliance Meeting via Zoom. (See link below with correct date formatting)
** Note June 8th is also the opening day of the Lake City Farmer’s Market! **
3:00 PM – 7:00 Let’s plan to welcome back the hard-working farmers and vendors before our 6:30 start time! .
At this meeting, first you’ll get to meet Leyla Gheisar (They/Them), District Director, Office of Seattle City Council President Debora Juarez (District 5). Leyla reached out and wanted to know what topics are of most interest to Lake City.
Very soon after Leyla heard from us that LCNA’s top priority was the Community Center replacement, they contacted Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR). As a result, Mike Schwindeller, Interim Deputy Superintendent, Seattle Parks and Recreation Planning and Capital Development Branch and David Graves, Senior Planner, Seattle Parks and Recreation will speak at this meeting.
With the Community Center as a primary concern, these speakers from SPR will be our first speakers. Note: For a long time, a new Lake City Community Center with affordable housing above it has been in the planning stages.
Following the presentation as well as time for Q&A about the community center, District Director Gheisar will address Lake City Concerns.
For the 6/8 LCNA meeting:
(Meeting ID: 850 2607 5838 Passcode: 660619)