ARTICLE 1 – Name, Purpose, and Classification
1.1 Name. The name of this organization is the Lake City Neighborhood Alliance (LCNA).
1.2 Purpose. LCNA is an alliance of neighborhood and neighborhood-related organizations that aid one another in their mission to protect and enhance the quality of life in the greater Lake City area, including, but is not limited to:
a. Promoting neighborhood identity and vitality;
b. Supporting positive controlled growth to assure Lake City develops as a safe, balanced, vibrant community;
c. Building community by supporting the continuation and formation of neighborhood groups such as community councils, micro-communities, and neighborhood block watch groups, among other activities.
d. Facilitating communication, transparency and cohesive action among LCNA membership groups, and may include groups from other neighborhoods with shared goals, issues, or concerns.
1.3 Classification. LCNA is a non-profit corporation seeking 501(c)(3) status.
ARTICLE 2 – Boundaries
2.1 Boundaries. The local area considered as the LCNA community includes the neighborhoods within the Lake City Planning Area (LCPA), bounded:
NORTH: NE 145th Street
SOUTH: NE 95th Street
EAST: Lake Washington
WEST: 15th Ave NE
This local area is henceforth identified as the District. The District includes neighborhoods known by familiar names such as Olympic Hills, Cedar Park, Douglas Park, Meadowbrook, Little Brook, Victory Heights, Matthews Beach, and Pinehurst, which may not have boundaries precisely within the District. (See Article 3.2.)
ARTICLE 3 – Membership, Dues, and Decertification
3.1 Membership. Membership in LCNA shall be held by organizations, not by individuals, which uphold the purposes (Article 1.2) of LCNA. Any organization located within the boundaries of the District as stated in Article 2.1 with a stated purpose which reflects LCNA purposes stated in Articles 1.2, and which meets the requirements set forth in Article 3.2, may apply for LCNA membership with the Secretary.
3.2 Membership Eligibility. To qualify for representation on LCNA, each Membership organization shall certify upon application and annually that it meets the following criteria:
a. Shall commit to upholding the purposes and principles of LCNA. (See Articles 1.2)
b. Shall have an active membership of at least twelve (12) individuals or at least eight (8) businesses or, for non-member organizations, serve at least twelve (12) individuals, within the designated District boundaries. The 12 members/individuals served or 8 businesses shall not count toward the twelve (12) or eight (8) of any other organization.
c. Shall commit to having one representative or alternate in regular attendance at LCNA meetings. (See Article 3.4.)
3.3 Dues. The Board of Directors shall have the power to fix and establish membership dues consistent with these bylaws. Payment of dues and fees shall be a condition of admission and continuation of membership in LCNA. Groups where the annual dues would present a financial hardship may petition LCNA, in writing, to waive the annual dues.
3.4 Decertification. Membership may be suspended by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. Any such suspension will continue until reinstatement by the Board of Directors and by the membership. LCNA shall notify a membership organization that voting rights have been suspended when any or all of the following apply:
a. Membership organization fails to uphold the purposes of LCNA, as stated in Article 1.2.
b. Membership organization fails to submit the annual certification required by Article 3.2 or dues required by Article 3.3.
c. Membership organization is represented at less than three (3) LCNA meetings in any twelve (12) month period.
3.5 Membership List. A current LCNA membership list shall be maintained and published annually by the LCNA Secretary.
ARTICLE 4 – Representatives, Directors, Officers, and Committees
4.1 Representatives. Each membership organization that meets the requirements set forth in Article 3.2 is entitled to one (1) voting representative and must appoint a minimum of one (1), but may appoint up to five (1 to 5) alternates to LCNA, and may select or remove, at any time, its representatives under its own established procedures. Each membership organization is entitled to one (1) vote. Organizations must provide the Secretary the names of appointed representatives and alternates.
4.2 Directors. The membership shall elect five (5) to eleven (11) Directors.
a. Elections. In the month of February, LCNA shall elect, by simple majority vote, the Directors to serve for a term of two (2) years.
b. Eligibility. Only primary representatives from membership organizations in good standing may serve as Directors.
4.3 Officers. The Directors of LCNA will appoint officers including a Chair, a Vice-Chair, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. Other officers may be established by majority vote of LCNA.
a. Responsibilities.
- Chair. The Chair shall be the chief executive officer of the organization and, subject to the Board’s control, shall supervise and control all of the assets, business, and affairs of the organization. To the extent authorized by the Board, the Chair has the power to sign deeds, mortgages, bonds, contracts, or other instruments. The Chair shall organize the agenda, call and chair LCNA meetings, preside over meetings of the Board, be the official spokesperson for LCNA, and appoint committees with Board approval. In general, the Chair shall perform all duties incident to the office of Chair and such other duties as are assigned from time to time by the Board.
- Vice-Chair. In the event of the death, resignation, removal, or incapacity of the Chair, the Vice Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair, except as may be limited by resolution of the Board, with all the powers of, and subject to all the restrictions upon, the Chair. The Vice Chair shall perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Chair or by the Board.
- Secretary. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of meetings of the Board and any minutes which may be maintained by committees of the Board; see that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws or as required by law; be custodian of the corporate records of the organization; keep records of the contact information for each Director, officer, and volunteer of the organization; and in general perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary, and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Chair or by the Board.
- Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have charge and custody of, and be responsible for, all funds and securities of the corporation; receive and give receipts for moneys due and payable to the organization from any source whatsoever, and deposit all such moneys in the name of the organization in banks, trust companies or other depositories selected in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws; and in general perform all of the duties incident to the office of Treasurer, and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Chair or by the Board.
a) The Treasurer shall prepare a monthly Treasurer’s report to be presented to the Board of Directors and to the representatives and recorded in meeting minutes. The report must be approved by the Board of Directors by way of votes.
b. Term Limits. Officers are limited to two successive two (2)-year terms in their current office (in the interim period, not to exceed 4 successive years).
c. Removal. Any officer may be removed by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
d. Vacancies. The Board of Directors may appoint a successor officer to fill a vacancy in any office because of death, resignation, removal, decertification, or otherwise.
4.4 Committees. The Chair, with Board approval, shall appoint such committees and committee chairs as deemed appropriate for its purposes (Article 1.2). The Chair of each committee must be a primary representative or alternate representative from a membership organization in good standing. All area residents, business persons, and/or members of community organizations may serve as members of the committees. Committees or their members shall not publicly take any position on any question in the name of LCNA prior to approval by the Board of Directors. A committee’s position is only a recommendation to LCNA and shall include both majority and minority views. The Board has the power to create or dissolve committees, or to remove the chair and/or any committee members.
ARTICLE 5 – Meetings
5.1 Regular Meetings. LCNA shall meet at least three (3) times per year at a time to be determined by LCNA. The Chair, or the Vice-Chair, or other designated Board member shall conduct LCNA meetings. All meetings shall be open to the public and shall be held at handicapped-accessible, public places within the District to the maximum extent feasible.
a. Other Participation. All individuals within or outside the District boundaries may attend LCNA meetings and participate in LCNA-sponsored activities. This participation carries no voting rights on motions. Persons may be called upon to vote on issues, by majority vote of the Membership.
5.2 Joint Meetings. LCNA may meet jointly with other organizations for the joint consideration of matters of common interest. The meeting may be held in any mutually acceptable location in accord with Article 5.1.
5.3 Board Meetings. The Board Members shall meet at least two (2) times per year at a time to be determined by the Board. All meetings shall be open to LCNA membership group representatives at prior request and shall be held at handicapped-accessible, public places within the District to the maximum extent feasible.
ARTICLE 6 – Position/Public Statements and Rights of Citizen
6.1 Positions/Public Statements. No position or public statement shall be taken or made on behalf of LCNA by an individual representative of a membership group without the prior approval of the Board. Ideally the position or public statement would be voted upon by the Membership, but in the event that a timely response is required, the Board will take this responsibility. The position or public statement will be shared with all members at the earliest opportunity. When appropriate, the position presented shall include both majority and minority views.
6.2 Rights of Citizen. Any person may petition the Board for action. Petitions must be in written form. ARTICLE 7 – Collaborative Decision-Making, Voting, and Quorum/Majority
7.1 Consensus/Voting. LCNA shall strive to reach decisions by consensus. If consensus is not reached and a vote is required, each membership organization in good standing shall have one (1) vote. A duly authorized alternate may vote in place of the duly appointed representative. There shall be no voting by proxy. Non- member participants may not vote except as described in Article 3.1.
7.2 Quorum/Majority. At all meetings of LCNA, a minimum of five (5) membership organizations in good standing is sufficient to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. It shall take a simple majority of a quorum of said Members in good standing to pass a motion, unless otherwise stated in these Bylaws. No action shall occur in the absence of a quorum.
ARTICLE 8 – Bylaw Adoption, Amendment, and Ratification
8.1 Adoption. These Bylaws shall be deemed adopted when approved by a majority vote of duly authorized membership organization representatives in good standing in attendance at a regular meeting of LCNA. Upon adoption, a set of the Bylaws and any amendments shall be promptly made available to all membership organizations in good standing.
8.2 Ratification. The Bylaws adopted in accordance with paragraph 8.1 shall be ratified at the next regular meeting of LCNA.
8.3 Amendment. After ratification of the Bylaws, any membership organization in good standing may propose an amendment to the Bylaws. Any amendment shall be initiated by introducing a written proposal at a regular LCNA meeting. The Bylaws may be amended at the next regular meeting of LCNA by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Members in good standing present and voting. Voting may be postponed if more time for review is requested by any membership organization in good standing, and if that request is affirmed by a simple majority vote of the Membership.
The Bylaws were adopted on November 5th, 2013 by the Lake City Neighborhood Alliance.
Sandra Adams Motzer, for the Steering Committee
The Bylaws were amended on April 14th, 2016 by the Lake City Neighborhood Alliance.
Philip Shack, Secretary