The Lake City community has come together in many ways over the last two years to steer our future–from the Pierre properties “visioning” to formation of the Lake City Neighborhood Alliance, to Lake City Future First (Only in Seattle grant) and the Urban Design Framework.
In all of these planning efforts, the FS 39 site has been recognized as a key part of our “civic core,” potentially the off-lake City Way heart of the community (Fire Station, Library, Neighborhood Service Center, our current community center and, it is hoped, a new, full-service community center).
Seattle’s Department of Planning and Development and Lake City residents are currently drafting an Urban Design Framework (UDF) that would guide design and land uses in Lake City, potentially from NE 85th to NE 145th, with special attention to the Hub Urban Village, 28th Ave NE to 35th AveNE and NE 120th to NE 130th. Concepts and more detailed design frameworks will be presented for community feedback in public meetings, late this year and early 2015. (If you would like to participate in the UDF, contact
Recognizing the central importance of the old FS 39 site in plans still underway, the City and the Pierres have formulated a proposal that will put development of the site on hold for 2 years. The Pierres propose to lease the site for two years for parts storage. There would be no visible business presence at the site, it would be used only for warehousing. The City would get some revenue from the lease—some or all of which may go toward the UDF planning effort– and our community would have breathing space to continue with our planning. LCNA’s 23 member groups responded favorably, and the LCNA has written to the Mayor and Council in support of the leasing plan. We have also requested that the exterior of the building be used for a community purpose –mural designs and other artful displays have been proposed— to create a positive presence at the site while planning continues.
The Lake City Neighborhood Alliance meets on the second Thursday of each month from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m at Lamb of God Lutheran Church, 27th Avenue NE at NE 125th.