Back on January 28th, Tim Burgess wrote a letter to the director of the Department of Planning and Development and copied other city officals. The letter was a request that the city take a comprehensive view of development in Lake City. The letter makes (4) specific requests for action. The summary of the requests and responses are as follows:
1. Provide a status report on the Lake City Neighborhood Plan.
DPD – “Adoption Matrix.. was last updated in 2009 along with several other reports, including demographic and development profiles for the Lake City Urban Village and Planning Area, and an overview of status report of the progress of the neighborhood plan…..we are now eager to work with the community to pursue current priorities.”
DPD action: DPD will prepare a focused “existing conditions” report once agreement is reached on the geography and scope of the planning effort and resources identified.
2. Provide update on current efforts to increase public safety, enhance economic development, and expand housing opportunities for various income levels.
DPD- Mayor’s office formed a Lake City Interdepartmental Taskforce last fall to address community concerns and create a City – Community Action Plan to address identified issues. Reps from many departments involved along with community reps through LCNA.
Three city – neighborhood workgroups formed : 1) Economic Development; 2) Public Safety, Programming, Health and Human Services; 3) Access and pedestrian and physical improvements.
DPD Action: Will continue to participate in the IDT and the creation of the Community Action Plan.
3. Timeline for update Lake City Neighborhood Plan.
DPD- Three options.
Option 1: 2013 Lake City Business District Initiative ( 1 year )
-Partner with OED to conduct study of business district and identify urban design and land use issues.
– Coordinate with owners of Pierre Properties.
– Scope potential future planning work through continued discussions with community and Pierre property owners.
Option 2 – Pierre Properties “Master Plan” ( 1 to 2+ years )
– Work with community to develop master plan for properties abutting Lake City Way, Pierre Properties in particular.
– Implement the plan through revisions to the land use code and possible inclusion in urban design work identified under Option 1.
Option 3 – Coordinate Lake City Community Development Plan ( 2-3 years )
– Combine options 1 and 2 into a planning effort that includes Lake City core and the Pierre properties to the south.
– Engage broader community in defining issues, and developing the vision and actions for community revitalization around the Lake City corridor.
– Develop a coordinated urban design and community development plan for the business district and Lake City corridor.
– Define an action plan.
( Note: DPD is not currently staffed for this option ; additional resources would be needed, or the agreed upon work would beed to be revised and staff re-allocated. )
4. Update on City efforts to solicit community input.
DPD- “City staff are actively monitoring and responding to issues voiced by the community. Although the owners of the Pierre properties are intentionally working outside of a formal city planning process, DPD staff attended the visioning workshop last summer sponsored by the owners. DPD staff recently met with their consultant to discuss their work.
You can read the full text of the letter from Tim Burgess here, and the response from DPD here.