Saturday’s open house for the Lake City Visioning project was a great success. The event drew some 75 people (on a sunny day) to review the work of UW Architecture and Planning grad student Katy Haima on a vision for redevelopment of the Pierre family properties on Lake City Way.
Katy displayed her work in 3 stations, looking at Land Use and Programming; Urban Design and Density; Open Space and Circulation. A brief questionnaire helped attendees state preferences and generate their own ideas based on broad concepts and specific examples. Mapping exercises were set up, and Katy and other students gave brief presentations. There was also a display of some of the work of the Landscape Architecture students who recently worked in Lake City on creating and linking open spaces.
This event was an important milestone in the ongoing work by neighbors and by facilitators like Katy to create a vision for the future of Lake City Way. Katy’s work brought many of us closer to understanding how we can participate in the transformation of our community.
There will be more opportunities to work with Katy as she finalizes her project—and more ways to be involved as we get closer to redevelopment. Stay tuned.